What are the best oils to use for our fries?
In the Shops there are several types of oil, Which differ not only in origin and flavors but Also For Their nutritional and organoleptic properties.
Nutritionists recommend not to exaggerate with fries Because the high temperatures Achieved with this method of cooking alters the molecular structure of the fat producing toxic waste for our organism.
These changes are Also seen at the physical level: an oil exposed to high temperatures will assume an increasingly darker color, producing foamy residue and increasing time ITS viscosity.
Among the Numerous oils available on the market, there are some more stable and resistant to high temperatures and others blackberries That will decompose easily. Olive oil
The formation of toxins depends on three principal factors:
temperature and time of heat exposure;
concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
smoking point of the oil. Italian extra virgin
In Particular Large Amounts of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Should not be used for the frying. In short, the famous omega 3 so much Talked For Their usefulness in the prevention of cardiovascular disease if they become unstable at high temperatures, producing residues harmful to our body. The same applies to list the omega-6.
Smoking point Corresponds to the maximum temperature Reached by an oil before it begins to burn and decompose, creating the above Mentioned toxic substances.
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